Tag Archives: Steel City Re

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Steel City Re Talks Nike’s Blowout With The Wall Street Journal

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The CEO of AC client Steel City Re talks about how unmet expectations tangibly affect reputation.

The lasting effect on Nike will be determined by consumers and investors. Some of the indicators for the scale of the impact could be the extent of movement in equity value, credit default swap prices and bond prices over time, Mr. Kossovsky said. Nike shares fell 1% to $83.95 on Thursday.

“The bond guys, they are the most sensitive to risks,” he said. “Their risk assessment is the most accurate.” Bonds are a measure that could suggest material cash flow damage, he said.

“Cash flow risk is the end state of reputation risk,” Mr. Kossovsky said.


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AC Client Published in USA Today

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CEO of AC Client Steel City Re, Nir Kossovsky, writes opinion article for USA Today.


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Food & Drink International Magazine: Building Defenses

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What makes food and beverage companies particularly susceptible to reputational damage? CEO of AC Client Steel City Re provides insights in this article for Food & Drink International Magazine.


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AC Client Steel City Re Publishes Article on Preparing for the Next Recession

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Dr. Nir Kossovsky, CEO of Steel City Re, publishes an article with Banking Exchange on how financial leaders can prepare for the next recession and mitigate reputation risk.

