Tag Archives: TechCity

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Growth Among the Demolition: TechCity in Daily Freeman

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Despite the demolition, TechCity has been a success for Hudson Valley Harvest and The Farm Bridge (formerly Farm to Table Co-Packers).

“It’s been a wonderful place to get started,” said Hudson Valley Harvest President Paul Alward. “With us and Farm to Table across the way, it’s a mini food hub incubator. It’s a great place to build a business.”

To read the article, follow the link below:

At TechCity in town of Ulster, there’s growth among the demolition




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TechCity Properties retains AC to generate visibility for International Commerce Park

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TechCity International Commerce Center and Center of Agricultural Business Innovation

Original article – Business Wire

KINGSTON, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TechCity, an international commerce center located in New York’s Hudson Valley region, offers unique benefits for global businesses and educational institutions seeking access to a major U.S. agricultural region that is already home to numerous innovators in the use of new and sustainable technologies for the production, processing, distribution and marketing of food and agricultural products.

“With worldwide food demand growing rapidly and countries including China experiencing population moves from rural to urban areas – it is crucial that companies and institutions in this field focus on education and innovation that stresses international partnerships,” said TechCity Chairman Alan Ginsberg. “Companies and academic institutions in China, with its rapidly growing economy and evolving demographic trends, should be particularly interested in the attributes of this region and this property.”

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