Tag Archives: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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Why Shakespeare Matters: Steve Alschuler in the Post-Gazette

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By Steve Alschuler, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

When I was in college, still struggling to find a direction in life, a frustrated professor gave the best answer I have ever heard to the question asked by students for generations: “Why do I have to study Shakespeare?”

“Shakespeare won’t get you a job,” she said, “but when you’re working in McDonald’s, flipping burgers and covered in grease, at least you’ll have something interesting to think about.”

Knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Wow. What a concept.

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The POWER of Poetry

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POWER, an AC client, is a non-profit organization that helps women recovering from addiction. As one of their services, POWER runs a weekly poetry workshop which was featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. To see the article “Sharing the power of poetry to women recovering from addiction,” written by P-G reporter Marylynne Pitz, click here.

