Geek Wire Highlights AC Client RIDC’s Support for Growing Pittsburgh Robotics Industry
AC client RIDC’s support of the growing robotics industry in Pittsburgh was highlighted in Geek Wire article: Our robot neighbors: Hanging out with the mechanical inhabitants of ‘Robotics Row’.

“The rise of Robotics Row is as much about real estate as it is tech. A lot of these companies need big open spaces for research, development and testing. Pittsburgh’s stock of old mills and factories provide ample opportunities for these companies to find the space they need…
The Regional Industrial Development Corp. had a lot to do with that. RIDC is a 63-year-old company that develops manufacturing, industrial and research and development space throughout the area…[They] have saved and reused countless old buildings, even though doing that can be more expensive and difficult. Companies want those big open spaces for R&D, and keeping past structures guarantees that at least some remnant of Pittsburgh history remains even as the city remakes itself yet again.”