Tag Archives: AC News

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Steven Alschuler New POWER Board Member

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Steven Alschuler has consulted for POWER over the past year, working on a variety of communications projects designed to raise POWER’s visibility and enhance its reputation.

He has now been elected as one of three new board members.

Since 1991, POWER has helped women in the Pittsburgh area reclaim their lives from the disease of addiction and envisions a day when all women struggling with addiction will embrace the journey and realize the promises of recovery, enhancing and strengthening relationships with children, family, and community.

New POWER Board Member Announcement Trib


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Why Shakespeare Matters: Steve Alschuler in the Post-Gazette

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By Steve Alschuler, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

When I was in college, still struggling to find a direction in life, a frustrated professor gave the best answer I have ever heard to the question asked by students for generations: “Why do I have to study Shakespeare?”

“Shakespeare won’t get you a job,” she said, “but when you’re working in McDonald’s, flipping burgers and covered in grease, at least you’ll have something interesting to think about.”

Knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Wow. What a concept.

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Alschuler Column on Innovative Organizations in Examiner.com

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This is the time of year when state and local governments go through the annual budget ritual of trying to reconcile seemingly conflicting agendas: reducing expenses while also continuing to fund programs that, while expensive, are essential.

One area that has become a major point of debate around the country and, indeed, in other countries as well, is how to fund juvenile justice systems adequately and to design those systems so that we’re not spending many millions of dollars on models that don’t work.

As an example, in New York City, it costs $200,000 a year to incarcerate one juvenile offender. And at the end of their incarceration, when they are released, 80% of these juveniles are rearrested within 36 months. Is that the most prudent way to deal with this issue: $200,000 a year for each juvenile, with an 80% chance they’ll commit more crimes when they’re released?

To read the rest of the article click here.


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Steven Alschuler in Pittsburgh Business Times

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“Businesses need new voice to educate public”

By Steven Alschuler on Jan 2, 2015, 6:00

Article Source – Pittsburgh Business Times

What do the August Wilson Center for African American Culture and the financial collapse of 2008 have in common?

Both received significant media, government and public attention — the August Wilson Center locally, the financial collapse globally. Both were the subject of high-profile commentary by elected officials, civic leaders and a range of community advocates, most of whom were playing exactly the role they were supposed to play, advocating for the people and interests they represent.

But neither included an effective campaign to educate the public about the sometimes complex business and financial issues at play.

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