Sharing Financial Services is Key to Success for Pittsburgh Arts Groups
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“Steven Alschuler, president of the public relations firm Alschuler Communications, has been at work as new president of the board of directors of PICT Classic Theatre. He took over the job Jan. 1 in a time of transition for the company, after a season when PICT was in financial crisis and was forced to cancel two productions while it seeks a new venue. Mr. Alschuler is moving forward with a community-based approach and has formed a diversity committee that includes himself, board members Steve Cuden and Eileen Clancy along with Ricardo Vila-Roger, teaching artist in residence at Pitt.”
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Steven Alschuler, President of Pittsburgh-based public relations firm Alschuler Communications, has been named President of the Board of Directors of PICT Classic Theatre. He joined PICT’s board last year and became President, effective January 1, 2016.
See press release: PICT- Alschuler President Release
Alschuler Communications is proud to be a sponsor of this great program, bringing Shakespeare to underprivileged children.